How To Survive A Nuclear War
As the United States and Russia prepare for a possible nuclear war, many people ask the question, how to survive a nuclear war. If you are living in North America or Europe, you have likely heard this question before. But, if you are a person of the Asian continent, you probably know even less. The thing is, a nuclear war can happen right under your nose-and nobody is immune. So, here are some survival tips for those of you living in Asia.
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Most people living in North America and Europe have absolutely no idea how vulnerable their countries are to a nuclear strike. After all, both Russia and the United States are technically at war with each other. However, neither country publicly announces a full-scale nuclear war situation (hence the term "Nuclear Power"). What this means is that nuclear power has been one of the leading causes of instability and war throughout the world.
The biggest problem with nuclear power is that, since it's not the only source of power, the risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons is very real. After all, the combination and mismanagement of nuclear weapons already in the hands of rogue nations, or terrorist groups, would be worse than having them in your possession. It is true that a nuclear weapon will destroy everything in its path, including those on the other side of the blast. However, if your country has nuclear power, it doesn't automatically mean that you have to share that power with the rest of the world. You can store nuclear weapons safely, or better yet, blow them up if the need arises.
How to Survive a Nuclear War
How to survive a nuclear attack. When the time comes, you must make certain that you are ready to deal with whatever happens. Depending on how close your country is to a nuclear attack, you could have to evacuate your city or the entire world. If the latter is the case, you should have weapons that can wipe out an approaching enemy in a matter of minutes, not hours or days.
Your aim is not to survive the nuclear war but to win the war. This means that you must gather as many troops as possible, from both sides, so that you have an advantage over the enemy. Once you have them, use these soldiers to secure the area around the explosion site. Once this is done, you can then begin evacuating the remaining citizens, unless you want to ensure that no one escapes.
When the enemy makes a nuke, you must have a way of neutralizing it before it does what it's meant to do. One way of doing this is through a makeshift shelter, like the ones mentioned above. Another way is through a bomb disposal unit or nuclear power plant, as mentioned earlier. In order to protect yourself from radiation, wear a radiation suit. Make sure you know how to arm yourself with a nuclear weapon, too.
If you're reading this, you've probably figured out by now that the United States and Russia are working on nuclear weapons. Do you know where your government is currently testing these weapons? The answer isn't very comforting. It's currently at the Navy Ambush Training Range in California.
If your survival in a nuclear war is your top priority, read on. You'll discover how to survive a nuclear war and win. This information will save your life. Who knows? Maybe someday you'll be able to say you were born for it.
I'm not saying you should start putting your genitals into jars because we wouldn't want anyone stealing them, but there are things you can do to minimize your risk of harm. Get vaccinated. Drink bottled water. Eat healthy.
And lastly, the worst thing you can do to survive a nuclear war is to not trust your government, either with what they say or with what they do. Our government keeps telling us how much we need to trust them and how bad the economy is, but don't listen. The real problem with our government right now is the bureaucracy. It's full of lawyers and judges and rules we don't understand.
When the government doesn't know what to do, when the economy tanks and the unemployment rate rises, when a blizzard hits the country and the electrical grid goes down, when an asteroid or comet hits the planet and destroys everything living on it - no one stands a chance. So don't let anyone tell you that you have to trust them. If you're good at reading people, you'll see that all these dire predictions are completely made up. But if you're dumb enough to listen, you could find yourself in trouble.
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